When it comes to making end-of-life arrangements, every family has a different set of needs and wishes. Our professional staff at Calhoun Funeral Home is ready to accommodate your family and guide you through every choice associated with this process. While different religious and cultural customs may take major precedence in the selections you make, we urge you to consider holding a funeral service. Even if you prefer a simpler end-of-life arrangement, such as cremation, you always have the option to host friends and family during a service.
Gathering Friends and Loved Ones Together
We believe that funeral services are important because they provide your family and friends the ability to connect face to face during a difficult and emotional time. This is an opportunity for beloved friends and family from across the country to laugh and mourn together, realizing that no one is alone in the grief journey. We even offer livestreaming services so that loved ones out of state can attend a funeral. Calling upon your community and relationships is vital to starting down the path to healing.
Celebrate Your Loved One’s Life
Funerals provide a reason to celebrate the special and unique life that was lived. As humans, we love to celebrate – whether it’s birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and more. Keep in mind that funerals do not always have to be somber occasions. You get to set the tone for the service that best represents the spirit and memory of your loved one.
Begin the Healing Process
A funeral service is a crucial step in the grieving process. Attending a funeral is a cathartic way to begin the next chapter of your life because it forces you to move forward. Funerals also give you the opportunity to reflect upon the impact of the person that you lost, perhaps sparking ideas for you and your family about the best ways to carry on their legacy.
Our caring team is here to offer you support as you consider your options. We are also available if you are interested in putting your own wishes in writing by preplanning your arrangements. Contact us to learn more.