3 Reasons to Choose Your Own Final Resting Place

At Calhoun Funeral Home & Cremation Service, we’ve talked to many of our neighbors from Northeast Ohio who have said this: “When I witnessed my loved one’s burial, I couldn’t help but think of where I would like to be laid to rest. How do I go about making that decision?”

We thought it would be helpful to offer guidance, since we know how significant this is for you and for generations of your loved ones. We’ve compiled helpful information to get you started.

Choosing your final resting place is deeply personal.

This question is important: Have you thought about whether you would prefer traditional burial or cremation? How about in-ground with a traditional headstone, a lawn-level marker, or perhaps a bench, a plaque, or an art piece? There are also those looking for a more “eco-friendly” cremation burial option.

Many families want to visit their loved ones after they die, which can impact the location and specifics of a final resting place. If you can think it, we can help you do it, whether you prefer above-ground or in-ground burial.

There are many options.

If you choose burial or cremation, you’ll have a range of options when it comes to deciding where you’ll be laid to rest. We regularly work with local cemeteries, and our professional and caring staff will do everything we can to help you select the perfect final resting place.

You don’t want your family to have to guess what you would have wanted.

Too often, we meet with families who have lost someone important to them and want to make sure they make the right decisions on their loved one’s behalf. But as far as selecting the final resting place, some families are unsure where their loved one would have liked to be buried. They must decide among themselves, and as you can imagine, this doesn’t always go smoothly.

This is why it’s extremely important to make this decision for yourself. After all, you want to be in control rather than leaving your family to decide on your behalf.

You might be wondering where to start exploring all we have to offer. You’re not alone – and that’s why we are here to help you every step of the way.

You want your choice of a final resting place to bring you peace of mind. Count on us to help you carry out your wishes.